Radiomeddelanden uppe
Armed Assault 2
subroc den 2008-07-29 00:37

Bohemia Interactive har lanserat Arma2 sajten. Än så länge består den bara av en ingame screen från spelet. Fullversionen av sajten lanseras 1 September.

*edit:Fixat bilden och länken
INS mod 2.1 släppt.
Granquist den 2008-07-27 19:37
En lat nyhetsrapportering men bättre än inget.
Ny version av INS modden, kräver som tidigare ett "source" spel, exempelvis HL2, DOD.

Länk längst ned men först listan med fixar..

Bugs fixed:

* Fixed: players spawning inside other players (generally AFK) and being killed instantly.
* Fixed: players getting stuck when throwing a grenade when prone on certain locations.
* Shotgun pellet damage has been reduced.
* Shotgun penetration has been fixed.
* Volume slider in music options works properly now and saves the volume settings.
* It is now possible to mute other players - new option available in game menu.
* Fixed: Scoreboard not showing all the players in the server.
* Weapon caches now don't give players extra / infinite grenades that they shouldn't.
* A bug affecting some classes loadouts has been fixed.
* The in-game voice notification panel will now show the correct colors (blue or red depending on the team).
* Fixed an annoying "unconnected has disconnected" message.
* Random sound effects that could be heard while tweaking the options menu have been addressed.
* Fixed a number of known client and server crashes after collecting minidumps from the community.
* The Shader Effects Update patch will no longer be necessary.
* Third person M203 firing sounds are now audible.
Finmod Patria under arbete
Armed Assault
Steel rat den 2008-07-22 07:14
I Petri Honkas blog visas en bild på FDF:s pågående arbete med en Patria.

Hello again, guys. This is a shot of some of the latest hardware that the Army possesses - the versatile Patria AMV - Armored Modular Vehicle. The ride I was offered was more smoother and steadier than in the old tin can XA-185 PASI which hauled me during my conscription.

According to the manufacturer: "The AMV has the best protection level up to 30 mm APFSDS frontal arc and it has a top-class mine protection up to 10 kg TNT. The high payload allows various types of weapon systems to be integrated, from 7.62 mm to 105 mm turret systems or 120 mm AMOS." This version is armed with American M2 HB machinegun in remote-operated turret similiar in fashion to that of Stryker APC.

Svenska röster till Arma
Armed Assault
subroc den 2008-07-20 15:29
Svenskt voice addon till arma släppt. Addonet byter ut de engelska rösterna mot svenska.
Addonet är baserat på Darkstars voice addon till ofp.

addonet finns att hämta i anrops filarkiv.
BTR-80 uppdaterad av Guba
Armed Assault
Steel rat den 2008-07-18 18:58
Som ju alla vet så släppte GranQ tidigare en BTR80. zGuba har putsat upp den och nu kommer den i ny version.

I think I have learned a little about model configuration (while modelling and mapping is still alchemy for me) and fixed BTR-80's dampers + added shadow for gun :)
Now it can be used in Warfare as a counterpart for M2 Stryker :) however still bugged and perforated with holes.

Most of the addon's pioneer features currently come with mods and addons (SLX, Compact Fix etc.), so I decided to cut them out from the config and make the addon compatible with XEH.

Known bugs of this release:
- geometry (can't hit turret, while AI keeps aiming at it) and probably missing parts configuration
- AI does not disembark from dangerously damaged BTR...
- ...but also it's usual to see Marines firing M136 at the sky when ordered to destroy BTR.
- shadows.

Hämta här,6.5 MB

Mandoble simulerar RBS-56B i Mando missile v2.4
Armed Assault
subroc den 2008-07-15 12:59

"New toy for Mando Missile which will be fully integrated in v2.4: mando_missilehead_sadarm.sqf. Now you can simulate missiles like swedish RBS - 56B Bill2, which overflies the target and fires the lethal charge just over the target's top."

Detta är alltså inte en komplett addon utan ett script som skulle kunna integreras i en Bill2 addon. Mando missile ger redan sen tidigare möjligheten att simulera laserstyrningen av tex Robot 70

Läs mer på:

Edit: Länken fixad
FFAMM 1.53
Armed Assault
Steel rat den 2008-07-14 14:51
Fromz har släppt version 1.53 av ffamm mod på BIS forum. The FFAMM1.53P include high quality real battlefield sounds, reworked bullet tracers and blood effects. Change log i "Läs mera"

Av trailern att döma så låter det bra. Om någon har testat den så kom gärna med en rapport.

Hämta här, 37 MB.
Helicopter Collision Avoidance script
Armed Assault
Steel rat den 2008-07-08 12:42
Mr.Peanut har gjort ett script som förbättrar AI-piloters förmåga att inte krascha in i varandra.

If you have ever made a mission with more than one AI helicopter, you are well aware of how skilled the AI are at flying into one another. Here is a solution.

This script works by predicting each helicopter's position _dt seconds from present. If any of the helicopters are closer to each other than distance _dist they are nudged apart from each other with a speed based on the value of _spd. The _delay variable is the loop delay between collision checks. There is a degree of randomness involved. The helicopters will not always successfully avoid collision. In the demo provided there are eight AI helicopters, one of which will crash about 50% of the time in the first thirty seconds.

Läs mer på OFPEC:s forum.
Hämta här
FDF mod
Armed Assault
Steel rat den 2008-07-05 15:01
Petri Honka's Blog på Finmods hemsida är uppdaterad igen.

Hi again, folks. This time I'd like to share with you a photo from a recent shooting competition in Haukisaari, near Karttula. I took part only to 25m/10 shot pistol competition but scored so bad I dare not to mention it here :)

Anyway after the official part was over we did some plinking with various firearms. The foreign gentleman at the front immediately wanted to try out my M31 'Suomi' submachinegun and Pertti, my old army buddy tested the M39 rifle from my modest historical firearms collection.

The elderly man liked how the M31 operated and sprayed two full drums at the target, despite forgetting his radio gear on which we used earlier on our practical-shooting expiriment. I didn't find out what he does for a living but I bet it involves handling various guns.

To sum it up, it was a fun weekend!
Marek Španěl intervjuad
Armed Assault
Steel rat den 2008-07-02 08:23
Marek Španěl som var med och grundade BIS blir intervjuad av den Tjeckiska speltidningen Level 165 om ArmA 2. Man får se en hel del av det kommande spelet också. Filmen finns på Youtube med engelsk text.

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