Helicopter Collision Avoidance script
Armed Assault
Steel rat den 2008-07-08 12:42
Mr.Peanut har gjort ett script som förbättrar AI-piloters förmåga att inte krascha in i varandra.

If you have ever made a mission with more than one AI helicopter, you are well aware of how skilled the AI are at flying into one another. Here is a solution.

This script works by predicting each helicopter's position _dt seconds from present. If any of the helicopters are closer to each other than distance _dist they are nudged apart from each other with a speed based on the value of _spd. The _delay variable is the loop delay between collision checks. There is a degree of randomness involved. The helicopters will not always successfully avoid collision. In the demo provided there are eight AI helicopters, one of which will crash about 50% of the time in the first thirty seconds.

Läs mer på OFPEC:s forum.
Hämta här
2 #1 Granquist
den 2008-07-11 19:45
50% ar val ungefar vad man brukar ha...
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