Bättre ljud i Operation Arrowhead?
Rawr den 2009-12-01 19:50
Trots att ljudet i ArmA2 fått sig en uppsving i jämförelse med Armed Assault är många fortfarande inte helt tillfredsställda med ljudeffekterna. Nyligen har det släppts information på BIS hemsida, sidan som är riktad mot företag, som talar för att ljudet i Operation Arrowhead kan komma att förbättras rejält. Enligt hemsidan har Bohemia Interactive börjat spela in sina ljudeffekter själva. Här är ett intressant ljudklipp från sidan.
Någon fyndig person på BIS Forums ställde frågan, hur det kommer sig att dessa ljudeffekter inte fick vara med i ArmA2?
BI CEO, Marek Spanel svarar: "Well, perhaps because shown audio recording session was for Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, and that game is not out yet? There were already few real world recording sessions and more are planned. We hope in the finished game it will be worth the effort but you have to wait few more months.
On the other hand, one of the problems is that you may need to make our games sound louder than rest in order to hear it the way we made it.
To get a bit better understanding, we prefer to keep full dynamic range of real world over dynamic compression (that is considered as great sound by many users for some reason: they perceive the sound louder but there is a price paid: loss of detail and accuracy). This is quite interesting general problem not affecting only games, probably best illustrated here:
Loudness war at wikipedia.org"
Här kan det läsas mer om BIS ljudinspelningar.
Någon fyndig person på BIS Forums ställde frågan, hur det kommer sig att dessa ljudeffekter inte fick vara med i ArmA2?
BI CEO, Marek Spanel svarar: "Well, perhaps because shown audio recording session was for Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, and that game is not out yet? There were already few real world recording sessions and more are planned. We hope in the finished game it will be worth the effort but you have to wait few more months.
On the other hand, one of the problems is that you may need to make our games sound louder than rest in order to hear it the way we made it.
To get a bit better understanding, we prefer to keep full dynamic range of real world over dynamic compression (that is considered as great sound by many users for some reason: they perceive the sound louder but there is a price paid: loss of detail and accuracy). This is quite interesting general problem not affecting only games, probably best illustrated here:
Loudness war at wikipedia.org"
Här kan det läsas mer om BIS ljudinspelningar.
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den 2009-12-04 13:52
den 2009-12-04 13:52