BIS intervjuar communityn - Kegetys
Armed Assault
Steel rat den 2007-11-30 09:31

Istället för att låta sig intervjuas så har BIS vänt på steken och intervjuar Kegetys. Han har hängt med länge och är känd för sina addons och välgjorda banor.

Paul R. Statham aka Placebo:

When choosing the first person I wanted to interview it wasn’t a difficult choice, of all those people past and present who have released addons/mods there is one person who helped shape the past and present of the community, that person is Kegetys, to anyone who has been around since day one of the original Flashpoint demo you cannot fail to know the name and the contribution he has made, to those of you who perhaps didn’t become too involved in the Flashpoint addon scene, or are "Johnny come latelies" to BIS' games then here is an interview with Kegetys which I hope will be interesting and educational to all.

Till Intervjun. Där finns också bilder och filmer med Kegetys material.
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