CoC Network Services 3.0 för ArmA
Steel rat den 2007-08-31 14:55
NS 3.0 provides many resources you can depend on like CoC_isServer, CoC_isClient, CoC_isServerClient, CoC_isServerDedicated. In addition, the arrays CoC_ClientList and CoC_PeerList which contain a list of all the conencted users, their objects, names and prefixes. NS 3.0 can also provide many a working solution for synchronizing JIP Clients. A new flag has also been added to represent JIP Clients, CoC_isJIPClient. All lists and flags are updated upon respawn and JIP. Index 0 represents the server and is always guaranteed.
Supported send data types are:
* Boolean
* Null Group
* Null Object
* Side
* String(strings must be 4000 chars or less)
* Number
* Object
* Group
* Array (filled with nothing or any of the above in any combination)
* Multi-Dimensional Array (filled with nothing or any of the above in any combination)
Special Notes
Please understand there is currently a handshaking process completed on each machine at the beginning of every mission. The is currently at most a 25 sec delay upon mission start, before NS 3.0 completely intializes. We are working to minimize and prevent this wait in our final release. This wait can significantly be reduced by adding the following at the top of your init.sqf:
CoC_ConnectTimeout = 10;
CoC_MaxRetry = 2;
Special Thanks
First of all, I'd like to thank bn880 for the awesome addon! I'd also like to thank Spinor for helping test, listen to my sacrastic remarks, being the nice guy that he is, and providing input when I'm completely lost or wacked out of my gord. HudsonTPF for orignally getting me interested with making addons for OFP and shooting me down in them. Scatter and Leopard2 for helping me test. The 506th for the good games
CoC Network Developer
RAD F18 Developer
RAD Su34 Developer
NS 3.0 provides many resources you can depend on like CoC_isServer, CoC_isClient, CoC_isServerClient, CoC_isServerDedicated. In addition, the arrays CoC_ClientList and CoC_PeerList which contain a list of all the conencted users, their objects, names and prefixes. NS 3.0 can also provide many a working solution for synchronizing JIP Clients. A new flag has also been added to represent JIP Clients, CoC_isJIPClient. All lists and flags are updated upon respawn and JIP. Index 0 represents the server and is always guaranteed.
Supported send data types are:
* Boolean
* Null Group
* Null Object
* Side
* String(strings must be 4000 chars or less)
* Number
* Object
* Group
* Array (filled with nothing or any of the above in any combination)
* Multi-Dimensional Array (filled with nothing or any of the above in any combination)
Special Notes
Please understand there is currently a handshaking process completed on each machine at the beginning of every mission. The is currently at most a 25 sec delay upon mission start, before NS 3.0 completely intializes. We are working to minimize and prevent this wait in our final release. This wait can significantly be reduced by adding the following at the top of your init.sqf:
CoC_ConnectTimeout = 10;
CoC_MaxRetry = 2;
Special Thanks
First of all, I'd like to thank bn880 for the awesome addon! I'd also like to thank Spinor for helping test, listen to my sacrastic remarks, being the nice guy that he is, and providing input when I'm completely lost or wacked out of my gord. HudsonTPF for orignally getting me interested with making addons for OFP and shooting me down in them. Scatter and Leopard2 for helping me test. The 506th for the good games
CoC Network Developer
RAD F18 Developer
RAD Su34 Developer
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