3CB Joint Op Coop
Skapad av
Startar 2021-10-03 19:30

Author: JoeEmp
Zeus: JoeEmp



This Operation requires the Contact and GM CDLC.


Nadbór region, Livonia. 15th April 2018

With the dissolution of the Soviet Union reshaping eastern Europe, Livonia remained staunchly aligned to the USSR. Gaining independence in 1991, the nation quickly developed close ties to the Russian Federation.

Struggles to develop a national identity continued past the millennium as old allegiances to Russia conflicted with younger views, more sympathetic to the west and drawn to the ideals of the European Union. Financial difficulties further curtailed Livonia’s growth and longstanding power struggles within the military and parliament have erupted into a countrywide conflict.

The deposed ministers led loyal elements of the Nadbórian Defense Force (NDF) and seized the northern regions of the country before advancing southeast towards the capital. The Livonian forces halted the NDF advance with support from US and British forces.

With the Americans having successfully taken the town of Adamow, and closing on to the city of Topolin, the Livonian command wasted no time in wanting to secure the bridgeheads throughout the region to prevent more NDF from accessing the region. With this, a joint Germans & American force spearheaded an attack into the city of Topolin. During this attack, Bravo Company, 40 Commando secured the bridge in the town of Brena.

That evening, NDF forces moved East, across the region to hold the last bridge in the region, located in the town of Grabin. A Joint British/German task force has been brought up from the west, in an effort to take this strategic point. It is believed that the NDF does not have the forces to hold from a 2 sided attack, and as such 1 Troop shall be attacking from the West, and 2 Troop to the South.


The Joint British-German Company, are to secure the towns of Tarpow, Sitnik & Grabin (designated Objective Alpha. Bravo & Charlie, respectively).


Figure 1. Map of the AO.

Figure 2. Tactical Map of the Region.

0445 hrs local.

* Light Cloud coverage. Expected to persist.
* Weak Southerly wind. Expected to increase.
* Temperature: 8-14°C.
* Chance of rain: >10%. Expected to increase.
* Light Fog in low grounds. Expected to persist.

IED / Mine threat:
* No IED threat.
* No mine threat.


Company Command, Joint British-German Company:
* Command Element of Bravo Company under the leadership of 0-A.
* Mixed MTP & Flecktarn gear.

1 Troop, Joint British-German Company, 42 Commando:
* Troop sized element under the leadership of 1-0A.
* Mixed MTP & Flecktarn gear.
* Holding at FRV Jonas.

2 Troop, Joint British-German Company, Jägerbataillon 91:
* Troop sized element under the leadership of 2-0A.
* Mixed MTP & Flecktarn gear.
* Holding at FRV Jules.

3 Troop, Joint British-German Company, 42 Commando:
* Troop sized element under the leadership of 3-0A.
* Mixed MTP & Flecktarn gear.
* Pushing North from FRV Jonas, to secure Kolembrody.

Bravo Company, 40 Commando:
* Company sized element consisting of three troops.
* Standard MTP gear.
* Defending the town of Brena.

1st Squadron, 3rd Cavalry Regiment:
* Company sized element consisting of three Platoons.
* Standard OCP gear.
* Defending the city of Topolin.

1st Squadron, PzBtl 23, Panzerlehrbrigade 9:
* Squadron sized element consisting of 2 Platoons.
* Standard Flecktarn gear.
* Defending the city of Topolin.


Nadbórian Defense Force:
* Well-equipped irregulars with late soviet equipment.
* Majority of forces encountered have been motorised and mechanised.
* Majority of forces are holding along the River Line.
* Morale is low following recent losses.


* Civilians not expected within the AO.


1x FV510 assigned to each Troop containing:
* 8x Section supply crate.
* 2x AT supply crate.

Fire Support:
* Limited 155mm fire support available from 3rd Cavalry Regt.

* CTP tent carried by Troop Elements.


* Weapon Control Order: At the discretion of Troop Commander.
* Avoid HE in built-up areas.
* Civilian casualties are to be avoided.
* Bayonets to be used only when assaulting known Enemy positions.


1 Troop HQ - British Kit
1-0-A: Troop Commander - 3CB
1-0-B: Troop 2iC -
1-0: Medic - GA
1-0 Medic - 3CB

1 Troop / 1 Section - British Kit
1-1-C: Section Commander - 3CB
1-1-D: Section 2iC - 3CB

1 Troop / 2 Section - German Kit
2-2-C: Section Commander -
2-2-C: Rifleman/AT -
2-2-C: Sharpshooter -
2-2-C: MG3 -
2-2-D: Section 2iC -
2-2-D: MG3 -
2-2-D: Medic -
2-2-D: Engineer -

1 Troop / 3 Section - British Kit (Overflow)
1-3-C: Section Leader - 3CB

2 Troop HQ - German Kit
2-0-A: Troop Commander - GA
2-0-B: Troop 2iC - 3CB
2-0: Medic -
2-0: Medic - 3CB

2 Troop / 1 Section - German Kit
2-1-C: Section Leader - GA
2-1-D: Section 2iC - GA

2 Troop / 2 Section - British Kit
2-2-C: Section Commander - 3CB
2-2-D: Section 2iC - 3CB

2 Troop / 3 Section (Overflow) - German Kit
2-3-C: Section Leader - 3CB

Zulu 1 - Warrior (FV510) - Attached to 1 Troop
Zulu 1: Commander - 3CB
Zulu 1: Driver -
Zulu 1: Gunner - GA

Zulu 2 - Warrior (FV510) - Attached to 2 Troop
Zulu 2: Commander - 3CB
Zulu 2: Driver - GA
Zulu 2: Gunner -

@3cb_baf_equipment @3cb_baf_units @3cb_baf_vehicles @3cb_baf_weapons @3cb_config @3cb_em @3cb_factions @3cb_fortifications @3cb_map @3cb_smm_german_uniforms @ace3 @ace3_compat_rhs_afrf3 @ace3_compat_rhs_gref3 @ace3_compat_rhs_saf3 @ace3_compat_rhs_usf3 @ace3_compat_rksl_pm_ii @acex_a3 @advanced_rappelling @advanced_sling_loading @advanced_towing @advanced_urban_rappelling @breaching_charge @cba_a3 @dui_squad_radar @grad_slinghelmet @grad_trenches @metis_marker @metis_nature @rhs_afrf3 @rhs_gref @rhs_saf @rhs_usf3 @rksl_attachments_pack @tao_folding_map_rewrite @task_force_radio_dev @turret_enhanced @vet_unflipping @zen @zen_compat_ace gm

Läs vår Arma3Sync guide, https://docs.anrop.se/arma3/getstarted/arma3sync/

Lägg till följande URL som autoconfig,

1 Troop HQ - British Kit (1 / 1)
1-0-B: Troop 2iC
1 Troop / 2 Section - German Kit (8 / 8)
2-2-C: Section Commander
2-2-C: Rifleman/AT
2-2-C: Sharpshooter
2-2-C: MG3
2-2-D: Section 2iC
2-2-D: Medic
2-2-D: Engineer
2 Troop HQ - German Kit (1 / 1)
2-0: Medic
Zulu 1 - Warrior (FV510) - Attached to 1 Troop (0 / 1)
Zulu 1: Driver
Operationen har redan varit
Zulu 2 - Warrior (FV510) - Attached to 2 Troop (0 / 1)
Zulu 2: Gunner
Operationen har redan varit
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