pw: kotka
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1 st mission details (A&D):
Anrop är på den försvarande sidan, vi förfogar över en skyttepluton med anropssignal Alpha.
Airborne assault on two harbours. Defenders start out with a small unit at the AO and will be reinforced later by a QRF.
Attackers assault form the south or/and east.
Defenders QRF approaches from the North.
Notes on the organizational aspects
We will try and get multiple Arma communities to collaborate/participate in this.
We may have a joint element where English capable players from different communities may join and form connections.
Our intention is to try and lower the bar of participating in the event as low as possible.
Our aim is to have the missions/mods/server ready for testing a week before the event.
We strive to have each mission preplanned and preslotted beforehand.
We also aim to minimize the mission setup times.
- ACE3
- AFI gameplay mods
- ST Mods
No respawn
Advanced medical
Forumtråd med samma info
Roster för bägge uppdrag
@afi_ace3 @afi_cba_a3 @afi_kevyt @afi_st_core @afi_st_grouphud @afi_st_groupindicators @afi_st_nametags @afi_tfr |
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