FDF mod
Steel rat den 2008-06-23 19:59
Finnish Defence Forces mod har kommit med några nya bilder.
Petri Honka's Blog
Sorry for the lack of updates but I've been working hard at my job, trying to get a big project finished during the summer. Here are couple of shots from last summer's refresher course for you military enthusiasts, first of which shows beret-wearing reservist taking potshots with a "trusty" old M80 pistol.
Mer text och bilder på Finmods hemsida.
Petri Honka's Blog
Sorry for the lack of updates but I've been working hard at my job, trying to get a big project finished during the summer. Here are couple of shots from last summer's refresher course for you military enthusiasts, first of which shows beret-wearing reservist taking potshots with a "trusty" old M80 pistol.
Mer text och bilder på Finmods hemsida.
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