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Veckans Anrop
Veckans Anrop..
Detta är alltså allt nytt som man kan ladda ned eller invänta skall komma snart. Tanken är att se över veckans släpp eller det som folk pratat om är Work in Progress. Hur mycket nyheter eller saker som tas upp är ju helt beroende på hur mycket som har släppts eller visats på forums och div sidor.

Dags att byta upp sig, CBA har släppt version 1.0.1
As of the latest beta's after 100697, a new CBA version is required to operate properly!
This new CBA version comes in the form of @CBA_CO and is again a merged variant (so you only launch @CBA_CO, not more CBA modfolders).
For Play withSIX and SIX Updater users, everything will be handled automatically, just like back in the day with the JayArma2Lib required for old builds, and JayArma2Lib_new required for newer builds.

Forumtråd om det samt nedladdning för CBA

I44 har släppt Patch version 2.65
New: Ambulance units (I44_Car_G_Kfz1_GrayOpen_Medic_WH, I44_Car_B_WillysAB_Medic_Army, I44_Car_A_WillysMB_Medic_Army)
New: Warfare salvage and supply trucks (I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Warfare_Salvage_WH, I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Warfare_Supply_WH, I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Warfare_Salvage_Army, I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Warfare_Supply_Army)
New: Improved behind armor effects on low caliber rounds
New: Sherman tanks cannon gyro-stabilizers
Fixed: BMW75 Bike wheels
Fixed: Zeroing options removed from AT weapons
Fixed: Hetzer main cannon name
Fixed: Infantry standing close/boarding tanks registering as a hit
Fixed: Some issues with armor penetration system
Fixed: Churchill tank disappearing at distance
Fixed: Churchill and Cromwell not working correctly with penetration system
Fixed: Missing/incorrect file reference for shell bouncing sound
Fixed: Top mounted MG's on tanks could be fired while turned in on tanks that did not have interior controls
Fixed: Tank cannon recoil
Fixed: Hanomag with GrW34 not working with Artillery computer
Fixed:MP Missions:
All Battlegrounds C&H updated to v2.65 with the following changes:
- TPW Suppression updated to latest release
- Squad leader teleport available from main base flag
- Armored vehicle side crew checks
- Rebalanced vehicle selection
- Diary updated with accurate information and tips on gameplay
Two versions of the 100 player C&H Omaha Invasion mission included, v2.65a with landing sequence, and v2.65b with Rangers starting on the beach. Version 2.65a is the intended version, but in case landing sequence degrades performance v2.65b has been included.

Armaholic nedladdning för I44 patch 2.65

DayZ släppte en WIP video

Finns ju en del Anropare som gillar Unsung Vietnam
Well, whats been happening? Yac has started work on a new M48 which will be released in two versions, Army and USMC, with possibly a M67 Zippo version too. Our new member Spock has been busy with our birds giving them a updated textures with new rotor blurs and reflective glass. He has also included a Navy Seawolf UH1 gunship that was used to support the PBR crews on the rivers.
There is also a video of the seawolf in action, it is still WIP and still has some bugs to be sorted out.

Combat Medical System
Såg den via BiS forumet och såg att det fanns en länk även här på IRCen.

Forumstråden på BiS

Länk till Armaholics Weekly WiP
+1 på veckans anrop, keep it upp skägget Smile
trodde det skulle vara en tråd där vi lägger in bilder på hur finarvas krashar och nielsen säger "anrooooop"

men detta var ju bättre!
Kommer du ihåg hur det var förra vintern?