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Anrop VS NF
Får dra ut med, Ska ha familje middag .. Om jag e hemma i tid så är jag med Smile

1. Hjulvort
2. ZiP
3. sillburk
4. Joel
5. Daffholmes
6. Fianrvasdxc
7. Kent
8. KeGripnt
9. woop
10. Mossarelli
11. xealot
12. granQ
1. Hjulvort
2. ZiP
3. sillburk
4. Joel
5. Daffholmes
6. Fianrvasdxc
7. Kent
8. KeGripnt
9. woop
10. Mossarelli
11. xealot
12. granQ
13. sic++

Hoppas det blir ett bra lir. Tycker det har varit lite dåligt på den senaste tiden Sad.
kommer nog inte kunna vara med, hf.

1. Hjulvort
2. ZiP
3. sillburk
4. Joel
5. Daffholmes
6. Fianrvasdxc
7. Kent
8. KeGripnt
9. woop
10. Mossarelli
11. granQ
12. sic++
The enemy cannot predict your actions if you have no idea what you're doing.
Vilka mod är tillåtna på eran server, funkar JSRS och shactac huden?
jarå dom ska gå bra
Står i första posten


hJulvort skrev:
jarå dom ska gå bra

ok ville bara kollaGrin


Brewster Bufallo skrev:
Vilka mod är tillåtna på eran server, funkar JSRS och shactac huden?

generellt eller menar du idag?
CAUTION: I'm a screamer and I'm using Voice-Activated!


hJulvort skrev:
Står i första posten

då ställer jag om frågan
vad gäller för acre, ace?

Räcker det med ace core (version?), acre version?


granQ skrev:


hJulvort skrev:
Står i första posten

då ställer jag om frågan
vad gäller för acre, ace?

Räcker det med ace core (version?), acre version?

men det står ju inget om ACE i första posten, gQ?
CAUTION: I'm a screamer and I'm using Voice-Activated!


Chris_Acrobat skrev:


Brewster Bufallo skrev:
Vilka mod är tillåtna på eran server, funkar JSRS och shactac huden?

generellt eller menar du idag?

Tänkte väl mest på idag, i och för sig kan det ju vara kul att veta om du känner att du måste berättaWink
Generellt är det bara SFP och ACRE, med tillhörande mods, som är tillåtna. och så klart ARMA2CO
CAUTION: I'm a screamer and I'm using Voice-Activated!
Good effort guys, this has potential. Cool that the 6th AB stepped in! There was however some pretty crucial stuff that did not work as it should.

- Game administrator with "serious attitude" in the game lobby
- Not everyone had ACRE working - this is GAME BREAKING in my opinion.
- A list of predetermined missions
- PATIENCE: So many guys trying to get a complex arma mission going demands TIME and DEDICATION, especially in the pregame lobby where CMD and stuff like that gets decided on.

I don't think these things are a insurmountable problem IF we can do this again. (IF we are going to do this once a year, I honestly don't see the point; to messy to be fun.) Assuming that we can to this more regularly, and improve game quality each session, I'm very positive!
Redigerat av Viking den 2012-04-01 08:25
yeah, and all these types of events needs a "non-brainer, quick and fun mission" as warm up.

Its better to play "capture the flag" for 30 minutes, while waiting for all to join and see acre is working, than waiting in a lobby.

But it should be a clear "schedule", like something like this:

20.00-20.30 : Drop in, capture the flag
20.30: Main PVP-event or coop-event starts (and it actually starts)
22.00: "Event" over, but for people that wants to continue play.. there are some missions are avalible.

On behalf of Anrop, we apologize for a semi bad event yesterday.. but it sure had potential Smile
Good suggestions there guys!
The event was really fun for me even if was sort of unorganized at times.

Im really sorry that the tao team screwed up, 2 of us didnt have working acre and i dont think the other 2 that joined later did either so i guess we were sort of in the way thereSad
Wont happen again though.
My 6th guys are always ready as we can grab around 20 people if we get well informed earlier Smile
Just a little word on the potential amount of players available:

Anrop: 14 (?)
NoPryl/LAMBS: 12
6th: 20

54 dudes. Grin Thats something!
Major Joint Coop, that I can not miss!
CAUTION: I'm a screamer and I'm using Voice-Activated!
20 is max 12 is minimum Smile So yeah Pfft