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Uppdateringar ACRE2 Stable

Viktiga ändringar i 2.1
- Arma 3 och Teamspeak ska inte köras som Admin längre
- Möjlighet att justera volymen
- När missionet är slut behöver man inte längre manuellt unmutea andra
- Mindre störande oljud
- ST_ACRE är nu inbyggt
- Bättre UI på radios
- Individuell volym på TS har inverkan i ACRE
- Bättre prestanda
- Moduler för att underlätta när man gör missions, exempel inkluderade
- AI kan höra dig prata


- Clipping issue eliminated
- Phasing from occlusion has been reduced, but still present when running through buildings
- Multiple SQF script error fixes
- The babel module would sometimes not initialize for JIPs
- The 343 no longer breaks when you remove the handle
- The ACRE2 Volume control options have been improved
- An issue which possibly caused AI to stutter has been removed


- Fixed: Server side radio discovery is now throttled; this resolves server FPS loss with large amounts of radios
- Changed: Client side no longer connects/mutes in Editor/SP
- Fixed: Delay at end of a mission during reset has been drastically reduced
- Fixed: Radios now finish loading/animating regardless of whether the GUI is closed.
- Fixed: AI alerting broke with 1.4, fixed now
- Fixed: isSpectator now returns the correct values for remote units
- Fixed: naming module
- Fixed: Basic Mission module fixes, now works as intended
- Changed: 117F had the wrong SINAD rating.
- Changed: Cycling languages now always creates a hint
- Fixed: Sometimes the ACRE volume slider was wrong


ACRE Changes
- All radios have received a visual revamp for prettiness
- Buttons now depress
- TS3 individual set volumes are now applied to people speaking
- Multiple performance and caching fixes vastly improving FPS hit
- Mission examples added to extras folder
- Squelch operations now working on all radios
- Added modules and API and example missions for easier use
- Many edge case bug fixes
- Added lower headset functionality
- Integrated ShackTac ACRE Volume Control, this is now accessible from the keybinds
- AI can now hear players speak and radios on speakers. this utilizes advanced occlusion and inverse-square calculations for realistic chances of awareness
- Gearing and equipping system changes
- Fixed any issue where some gear scripts would cause chat to break
- Added multiple builds for possible CPU architecture issues (see extras folder)
- Added backwards compatible TS 3.0.11 DLL's
- Radios now go into the container they were found
- String parsing functions improved for performance
- Extensive API and module updates for ease-of-use
- We probably missed something

Module Changes
- Added ACRE Basic Mission module for basic radio/babel/ACRE settings configuration in a mission
- Added difficulty setting module for strictly changing ACRE settings
- Added ACRE Channel Naming module for easy ability to name nets on the 148/152/117


- Fixed an issue with a script error which happened in some spectator scripts (GDT/F3)
- Fixed an issue of a script error in the 148

- Fixed an issue where the JVON icon wouldn't appear in the system tray at launch
- Fixed an issue where AGM would cause JVON not to auto-start
- Fixed an issue where spaces and/or quotes would cause server config loading issues
- Fixed a bug where jvon server_win32 would cap connections to 16 sometimes
- Fixed an issue where dedicated servers would sometimes not initialize JNET


- AN/PRC-77 Manpack Radio added
- Virtual Arsenal no longer shows 2000+ radios
- Fixed issues with i7 K CPU users
- Removed click from buttons on the 117 and 152
- Fixed pink noise volume scaling with radio selected volume
- Added lower headset toggle keybind
- Fixed a compiler issue of plugin-per-compile compatibility
- Optimizations for PFH regarding transmission reception on 148/117/152. This should greatly reduce the FPS drop when rx
- Fixed ACRE volume settings not loading or being saved in some circumstances
- Fixed volume controls and feedback displays on the 152 and 117
- Fixed being able to set a power of 9999 on the 152/117
- 152 can now actually specify its squelch
- RX only now actually RX's only


Major Changes
* Volume controls in Settings->Plugins->ACRE->Settings to provide tweaking your volume accordingly. These settings save in the TeamSpeak 3\acre2.ini file and can be changed in real-time for testing. This will resolve anyone with the lingering volume issue.
* Distortions and sounds have received an overhaul. You no longer hear incoming squawks, instead you hear clicks and static (per real radios)
* Muting at the end of a mission fixed. All clients are now unmuted locally
* Bush/Tree/Building occlusion tweaked to fix "cant hear through a bush"
* The "ItemRadio" slot has been removed in ACRE2 - all radios now appear in your inventory
* Fixed a bug that would cause repeatedly beeps/squawks with the 343
* ACRE Omnibus released - please see below.

Additional Changes
* ACRE2 Debug & Testing functionality added to acre_sys_debug and acre_sys_gui
* Entire engine upgraded to VS2015+C++11; if you require an older runtime, see the extras folder
* Named Pipe permissions fixed to not require running as administrator. If you have issues, try running Teamspeak & Arma NOT as admin, but as a regular user.
* Solved some cases where named pipes would not connect
* Editor stutter fixed
* CfgAcreRadio's have changed to CfgAcreComponents, in preparation for racks and components
* The 152 and 117 have been implemented, operational as the real radios and co-operational with the 148. See their associated manuals for usage.
* The PRC-117 needs to go INSIDE a backpack
* Fixed a frequency programming bug in the 148 where the channel frequency would invert
* The API Function of globalVolume now actually applies to global volume
* ACRE now loads a custom font for better realism of UI's
* Huge internal code breakout and function cleanup
* You can now double click radios in your inventory to open them
* Radio Noise disabled for intercoms. The effects stay the same, but the new noise is not generated on intercoms.

New Radios

Also an AN/PRC-77 is almost ready for release, as well as a remade 343 courtesy of JP, though these will probably come post-stable release.

JVON & The ACRE2 Omnibus
ACRE2 Omnibus provides seamless VON experience in ArmA3, replacing the in-game VON system and removing the need for external voice chat clients (such as TS3). You can still use your favorite chat client alongside JVON, but this integrates ACRE2 and in-game voice into a single solution.

This is an alpha release of JVON, it is not considered stable!

To find out more information on how to setup JVON/Omnibus on your server please see the following tutorial:
Redigerat av Dahlgren den 2015-05-19 10:09
Omnibus verkar skitfräckt.

Han borde göra som TFAR också och bygga in Radioapparater i fordon.


nibbles skrev:

Omnibus verkar skitfräckt.

Han borde göra som TFAR också och bygga in Radioapparater i fordon.

Det är på G.
The enemy cannot predict your actions if you have no idea what you're doing.
Fan va skönt det vore att slippa teamspeak, skulle nog spara in minst 20min inför varje uppdrag


Vort skrev:

Fan va skönt det vore att slippa teamspeak, skulle nog spara in minst 20min inför varje uppdrag

Hur då?
CAUTION: I'm a screamer and I'm using Voice-Activated!
Ny version ute, ACRE2



- AN/PRC-77 Manpack Radio added
- Virtual Arsenal no longer shows 2000+ radios
- Fixed issues with i7 K CPU users
- Removed click from buttons on the 117 and 152
- Fixed pink noise volume scaling with radio selected volume
- Added lower headset toggle keybind
- Fixed a compiler issue of plugin-per-compile compatibility
- Optimizations for PFH regarding transmission reception on 148/117/152. This should greatly reduce the FPS drop when rx
- Fixed ACRE volume settings not loading or being saved in some circumstances
- Fixed volume controls and feedback displays on the 152 and 117
- Fixed being able to set a power of 9999 on the 152/117
- 152 can now actually specify its squelch
- RX only now actually RX's only
Lite småfixar sen förra, ACRE2



- Fixed an issue with a script error which happened in some spectator scripts (GDT/F3)
- Fixed an issue of a script error in the 148

- Fixed an issue where the JVON icon wouldn't appear in the system tray at launch
- Fixed an issue where AGM would cause JVON not to auto-start
- Fixed an issue where spaces and/or quotes would cause server config loading issues
- Fixed a bug where jvon server_win32 would cap connections to 16 sometimes
- Fixed an issue where dedicated servers would sometimes not initialize JNET
ACRE2 RC5, en hel del nytt!

- ST_ACRE är nu inbyggt
- Bättre UI på radios
- Individuell volym på TS har inverkan i ACRE
- Bättre prestanda
- Moduler för att underlätta när man gör missions, exempel inkluderade
- AI kan höra dig prata



ACRE Changes
- All radios have received a visual revamp for prettiness
- Buttons now depress
- TS3 individual set volumes are now applied to people speaking
- Multiple performance and caching fixes vastly improving FPS hit
- Mission examples added to extras folder
- Squelch operations now working on all radios
- Added modules and API and example missions for easier use
- Many edge case bug fixes
- Added lower headset functionality
- Integrated ShackTac ACRE Volume Control, this is now accessible from the keybinds
- AI can now hear players speak and radios on speakers. this utilizes advanced occlusion and inverse-square calculations for realistic chances of awareness
- Gearing and equipping system changes
- Fixed any issue where some gear scripts would cause chat to break
- Added multiple builds for possible CPU architecture issues (see extras folder)
- Added backwards compatible TS 3.0.11 DLL's
- Radios now go into the container they were found
- String parsing functions improved for performance
- Extensive API and module updates for ease-of-use
- We probably missed something

Module Changes
- Added ACRE Basic Mission module for basic radio/babel/ACRE settings configuration in a mission
- Added difficulty setting module for strictly changing ACRE settings
- Added ACRE Channel Naming module for easy ability to name nets on the 148/152/117
Låter riktigt gött! Smile
ACRE 2 blev just mycket mer lockande att ha i uppdrag igen.

De uppgraderade visuella utseenden är ju inte direkt något att skryta om dock. PRC343 har en skitful 3D-modell, och PRC148 är densamma 2D-bilden från förut.

Modulerna är välkomna, men man måste manuellt skriva in classnames, vilket jag tycker är onödigt då det lika gärna hade kunnat vara en drop-down meny med alla tillgängliga radios så man inte behöver gräva fram classnames.

En av modulerna verkar också tycka om att ge en två stycken 343: or.
Redigerat av Echo den 2015-02-25 14:09
Jag hittar inte modulerna i editorn?
Har uppdaterat ACRE2 och det är laddat när jag kör editorn.
Nåt mer jag måste göra?

Ps. Har ingen lust att scripta...
Det finns tre moduler. Du behöver classnames för att få tag i andra radioapparater än PRC343. Tror 148:an heter ACRE_PRC148. Skriv in det i modulen som bestämmer vilken radio man börjar med.

Edit: Alternativt, skriv

this addItem "ACRE_PRC148";

i enhetens init-fält.
Redigerat av Echo den 2015-02-25 17:54
Jag kan ändå inte hitta några moduler i editorn...
Visst ska de finnas bland alla andra moduler, eller letar jag på fel ställe?
TFAR har ju moduler för att ställa in frekvenser mm. Trodde ACRE2 skulle vara likadant nu?
Så här ser det ut i min lista för moduler i editorn:
Vargen bifogade följande bild:bild:
För mig är den högst upp ovanför AGM. Prova ta bort @ACRE2-mappen helt och installera den nya.
Tack för hjälpen! Det löste sig. Smile
ACRE2 Stable RC6

Nedladdning: eller Play withSIX eller vår Arma3Sync


- Fixed: Server side radio discovery is now throttled; this resolves server FPS loss with large amounts of radios
- Changed: Client side no longer connects/mutes in Editor/SP
- Fixed: Delay at end of a mission during reset has been drastically reduced
- Fixed: Radios now finish loading/animating regardless of whether the GUI is closed.
- Fixed: AI alerting broke with 1.4, fixed now
- Fixed: isSpectator now returns the correct values for remote units
- Fixed: naming module
- Fixed: Basic Mission module fixes, now works as intended
- Changed: 117F had the wrong SINAD rating.
- Changed: Cycling languages now always creates a hint
- Fixed: Sometimes the ACRE volume slider was wrong
ACRE2 Stable

Nedladdning: eller Play withSIX eller vår Arma3Sync


- Clipping issue eliminated
- Phasing from occlusion has been reduced, but still present when running through buildings
- Multiple SQF script error fixes
- The babel module would sometimes not initialize for JIPs
- The 343 no longer breaks when you remove the handle
- The ACRE2 Volume control options have been improved
- An issue which possibly caused AI to stutter has been removed
ACRE2 Stable

Nedladdning: eller Play withSIX eller vår Arma3Sync