Oden Warfare Edits Blocks ACE (to avoid error messages for others when they respawn, and whatever that brings) Block ACE optional in serversetup Blocks player rejoining opposing side Blocks kill messages (hints) Artillery Radar (built at base detects and marks enemy arty firing, mapmarker 'R') Call airsupport (max 3 each side spawned at altitude with ai pilot, $3500) Buy AI Mortar (Light) or Artillery (Heavy) and use all kinds of muntion via userActions Range circles on map when requesting fire mission (red is minimum range) Reallocate mobile artillery (userAction) AI build and share arty battery at captured town AI conducts counter battery fire if in range AI requests airsupport Camp guards generated for initial owner and when capture town (unless >100 groups for that side) Camp guards surrender when town falls to enemy Buy Vehicle with populated turrets (avoid BMP-3 now :-)) Buy Unit/Vehicle at depots (any available at base) Not allowed to buy Unit/Vehicle at depot when enemy is nearby (100m) userActions updated when entering vehicle "Group respawn" in teammates within 200m Action music when killed Background music selectable in options Camp bunkersign -> flag Camp Capture in vehicle (crew and cargo counts too) incl. progressbar Capture Camp bounty at assigned town incr. from 150 to 400 Capture Town assist.bounty at assigned town incr. from 375 to 1000 Capture Town bounty at assigned town incr. from 750 to 2000 FastTravel excl. airborne units FastTravel into town with enemies within some 300m is blocked Player set map pos upon join Groups setGroupId (1st Plt. Bravo Squad etc.) Groups MARTA icon depending on kind of vehicle leader is in (not what role assigned) Fasttime with weather Dynamic weather VoteTime reduced to 20 seconds Player Commander may vote AI for instant switch to AI commander "TitleText" in bottom screen EAST renamed "Russian 3rd Army" (Cold Warfare) "Chedakis" (Civil Warfare) WEST renamed "US Marines" (Cold Warfare) "CDF" (Civil Warfare) Invasion Warfare Mode not fully implemented yet and as such deactivated