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I'm playing around a bit with your very nice SFP Smile

I'm trying to set it up to be more like Henvärnet. So, I wondering, is there a way to change the crew on the TGB 11s? I would like the crews to use the M90 camo.

Also, I'm having a problem with the BV 206. If I select sit in the back I end up with a camera position between the two wagons. Is that a known problem?

isen, the bv206 is a known problem and will be fixed in, I would expect 2 weeks.

The easiest way for the tgb11 is to place one empty, name it tgb11 and place a m90 soldier with this code:

this moveindriver "tgb11";

Right now I don't remember our classnames but I would also recommend to give the soldier the ak4 instead of the ak5.

Perhaps someone could help you with that.

that worked Smile