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30 år sen whisky on the rocks gick på grund!
In the morning of 28th October, 1981, the Swedish navy was went to investigate some noises fishermen had reported. Just a little bit outside one of the mayor naval bases they found a Soviet submarine of whisky class. The S-363, more known as U-137, had went aground! The incident became known as the whisky on the rocks.

This is the background, for people more keen on knowing more we recommend reading here. U 137 - Whiskey on the Rocks

To mark the day we decided to release a special version of the Swedish Forces Pack.

There are many bugs, it isn't near as good quality as Unsung, Invasion 44 or ACE. Don't expect it, and don't be disappointed.

* Over 50 missions, ranging from 4+ hours coop to 15 minutes PVP.
* Custom island (10x10km), based on the real island where the events took place.
* 4 planes, 6 helicopters, 3 tanks, 2 APC's and countless wheeled vehicles.
* Weapons.. and more weapons.
* 1981 era woodland soldiers, 2011 era soldiers in desert, woodland, snow.
* Police units
* Sexy girls (Easter eggs, now go out and look!)

Features Sturkö:
Sturkö is an island in sourth of Sweden. ( Google Maps )
During the cold war the entire island was off limits for foreigners as it was classified as a military area.

* Over 200 000 objects
* Detailed residential areas
* Beautiful landscape
* 50+ custom houses/objects
* Kråkan, "A fun area"
* A secret "road airbase"
* Several military bases, including "mobilization storages" and firing range.
* Work in progess, but most buildings are enterable.

The Soviet submarine is secured by the HMS Norrköping.
People are called in for a mobilization, the country is prepared with equipment in buildings resembling ordinary farm houses.
Artillery getting supplies outside Sturkö center.
A Pbv 302 supports the soldiers.
Sturkö center appears to be deserted.
Kråkan, this "secret" island is said to be haunted and zombies seems to lurk around Smile


Redigerat av Granquist den 2011-10-28 22:23
är det meningen att vi också ska tanka den här med tanke på gömda enheter etc?
The enemy cannot predict your actions if you have no idea what you're doing.
hm, jadu.. egentligen enda som skiljer är att inte acre byggts in. Kan fixa en sfp_dc_config i eftermiddag. Tänkte dock se om vi märkte av några tokiga buggar.
så tills vidare, tanka vet ja Pfft
Sturkös nya Skans verkar jättefin, men det är synd att jag får ett FPS-drop på ner till 4 (av ca 70 i vanliga fall) när jag tittar mot den :/ spelar ingen roll var på kartan jag är, men om de tre betongblocken som ligger där hamnar i synfältet(riktningen) så får min dator kikhosta...

Kanske något att se över, för jag antar att den inte riktigt är klar än Smile
Då blir frågan får du samma fps drop vid hamnbasen på malarn?
Nix, Hamnen funkar fint. Däremot ligger några av Pir-blocken i exakt samma höjd och skapar lite texturflimmer där.

Problemet vid skansen påverkas av viewdistance verkar det som, om jag är långt bort från den är det inget problem. Skulle kunna var Lods också antar jag...